Monday, February 21, 2011

Mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore

And now Libya. And Bahrain. It is truly amazing.

Of course, they keep talking about the "peaceful" protests in Egypt that resulted in Mubarak's ouster; but as a matter of fact, according to the health minister, 365 died, and over 5,000 were injured. So it would be more accurate to say there was relatively little blood-letting, for a revolution. But still, even with the dead and wounded, the results were pretty darned impressive.

Libya looks to be more bloody, since so far the army is not supporting the people, as it did in Egypt. Except for those two splendid air force pilots who flew their planes to Malta, rather than "just follow orders," and fire on their own people. And the government of Bahrain is also not going gently into that good night. But despite the violence being aimed at them, in both countries, the people are still protesting. That takes both courage, and a true feeling of desperation. And it is fascinating and impressive to behold.

And yes, yes, don't we wish we'd left Iraq alone, and maybe the same thing would have happened there...

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