Monday, April 12, 2010

Burnt peas and...

O.k., I've burned up another sauce pan. So many I've destroyed over the years, by going off to do something else while something was cooking, and forgetting all about that something until I suddenly smelled burning steel. Have also burned a large number of tea kettles over the years. It's all part of my I Hate-to-Cook Syndrome. I can't just stand there waiting for the water to boil, or the whatever it is to finish cooking; my God, I've got more interesting, important stuff to do. Although I suppose the loss of all those pots could also be attributed to my I-Don't-Remember Anything-for-Longer-Than-Thirty-Seconds-Unless-I-Write-Myself-a-LARGE-Note-About-It Syndrome.

At any rate, I do get tired of having to go out and buy another $24 pot. Oh, for a cook. Which I have said for most of my adult life. Any takers?

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